Wireless Shed & Garage Alarms.

Wireless Shed & Garage Alarms.

Wireless Shed & Garage Alarms.

Ultra Secure have a selection of Wireless Alarms suitable for protecting your Shed, Garage & Workshop.

We have Wireless Alarms with Battery Powered Control Panels and Mains Powered Controls Panels, the signal from these Control Panels is Wireless making for a quick and neat Installation.

Some Customers will Instal the Control Panel into a single Shed or Garage, other Customers may locate the Control Panel inside the nearby House or secondary Building. Some will use one Wireless Alarm System to protect two or three Sheds & Garages which is where the Wireless operation makes Installation so Easy.

Some of the Alarm Systems will simply activate Internal or/and External Sirens, some will silently call you by Telephone, so can do both (depending on which system you choose).

Some of the systems to choose from are:

You can use many types of Wireless Detectors & Accessories with these Alarm Systems, the options vary between models but the list below shows you what choice you do have to suit your application:

  • Internal PIR.
  • External PIR.
  • Magnetic Indoor Door or Window Contact.
  • External Door, Gate or Window Contact.
  • Vibration Sensors.
  • Water Sensors.
  • Smoke Detectors.
  • Remote Controls.
  • Internal & External Sirens.
  • Dummy matching Siren.  

Please contact us if you need advice choosing the system best suited to your needs.

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