Water Alarm Kits

Flood & Water Alarm Kits.

Flood & Water Alarm Kits.

A selection of Wired & Wireless Alarms & Alerts designed to monitor for early warning of a Water Leak or Flood.

Detectors & Sensors:

We can offer different type of detectors to help cover all different types of applications including:

  • Wired & Wireless Probe with Pins (these would be triggered if the two probes were shorted out by water).
  • Float Switches (these can be set to monitor rising or falling water).
  • Ropes (these longer lengths of material cover wider areas and would be triggered if the rope gets wet anywhere.

Control Panels:

We can offer Wired & Wireless Control Panels which can all work in different ways, the most common results of water being detected would be:

  • Telephone Call to Key-holders (using a telephone line in a nearby building).
  • Telephone Calls & SMS to Key-holders (using mobile phone technology).
  • Internal Buzzers (sometimes latched on until a Key-holder resets).
  • Internal Sirens.
  • External Sirens.
  • Flashing Lights.

The list is endless, if you need advice please contact us for advice !!

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