Smoke Alarms

Wireless, GSM & Stand Alone Smoke Alarms.

Wireless, GSM & Stand Alone Smoke Alarms.

Smoke Alarms are vital for the early detection of a Fire, or even a potential Fire, and it is law in most European Countries to have suitable Smoke Alarms in many types of buildings.

We offer a selection of Smoke Alarms ranging from the traditional Stand Alone Models to Wireless, GSM & Solar Systems.

  • Stand Alone: these battery powered Smoke Alarms will activate built in Sirens in the event of detecting Smoke or extreme Heat. 
  • Wireless: these consist of battery powered smoke detectors which will transmit a wireless signal back to the alarm control panel if Smoke or extreme Heat is detected, multiple Smoke Detectors can be used within one Wireless Smoke Alarm System. The Alarm panels vary in the way they are powered & react, some will trigger Sirens, Buzzers or Flashing Lights, some will be connected to a telephone line and call key-holders.  
  • GSM: these operate in the same way as the Wireless Smoke Alarms, but will contact key-holders using mobile phone technology when Smoke or extreme Heat is detected. They will contact key-holders via Telephone Calls & Text Message.
  • Solar: for applications with no power, Solar Receivers & Sirens can be used.


General Smoke Prevention Advice:

Having any Smoke Alarm is Good Advice, but this is just one form of fire prevention, every one should also always carry out as much prevention as possible in their home or business, please see some basic advice listed below taken from the 'Direct Gov' web site (remember FIRE KILLS):

Fit a smoke alarm and test it regularly:
Fit smoke alarms on each level of your home, it’s the simplest, single step you can take to cut the risk of dying from fire in your home.
Test the batteries in your smoke alarm every week and change them every year - never remove them.

Take care when cooking:
More than half of accidental fires in the home start because of something to do with cooking
take extra care when cooking with hot oil and don’t leave children alone in the kitchen when the hob or oven is on.

Plan an escape route and make a bedtime check:
Plan a route to escape your home if there is a fire and make sure everyone in the house knows the plan.
If there’s a fire, don’t tackle it yourself, get out, stay out and call 999.
Check for fire hazards in your home before you go to bed - it takes longer to become aware of a fire when you are asleep.

Make an escape plan:
Explain it to everyone in the household and practise it When you make an escape plan. Involve everyone who lives in your home, including children, older or disabled people and any lodgers.

Choosing an escape route:
Here are some tips to help plan your escape from fire:
The best escape route is the normal way in and out of your home.
Think of any difficulties you may have getting out, eg at night you may need to have a torch to light your way.
Choose a second escape route, in case the first one is blocked.
Keep all exits clear of obstructions, like bicycles.
If there are children, older or disabled people or pets, plan how you will get them out.

Think about a safe place to go if you can’t escape:
The first priority is to keep people safe by getting them out of the building.
If you can't escape, you’ll need to find a room to take refuge in. This is especially important if you have difficulty moving around or going downstairs on your own.
Make sure everyone knows where door and window keys are kept.
Decide where the keys to doors and windows should be kept and always keep them there. Make sure everyone in your household knows where they are.

Don't overload sockets:
Try to keep to one plug per socket - too many electrical appliances plugged into one socket can overload it, which can lead to overheating.
Electrical appliances, plugs and cables that are old or poorly wired can also be a real danger.

Electric Blankets:
When choosing your electric blanket, you should buy it from a reliable source.
Check that it has a UK safety standard mark - a symbol that means the blanket has been independently tested and meets the latest UK and European safety standards.
Before you use your blanket, make sure that it (or its cord) doesn’t show any of the following danger signs:

Scorch marks or discoloration areas are visible on the fabric of the blanket
wires are visible or poking through the fabric.
When fabric is frayed or worn there is damage to the electrical cord between the plug and the blanket’s control mechanism or between the control and the blanket.
The control makes a buzzing sound when switched on or gives off a smell
the blanket’s connector, where the electrical cord plugs into the blanket, is damaged or over-heating.

If you are in any doubt about your blanket, contact the manufacturer before you use it to make sure that it is safe. It may need to be replaced.

Storing your electric blanket:
Even when your blanket is not in use, you can leave it on the bed all year round or place it flat on a spare bed. If you put the blanket away, it should be stored as the manufacturer recommends or as follows:

1) Let the blanket cool down before folding.
2) Loosely fold or roll it in a towel or plastic bag and store the blanket in a cool dry place
3) Don’t use any moth-proofing chemicals.
4) Don’t place heavy items on top of the blanket while it is being stored.

Here are some further safety tips:
Always buy new when choosing an electric blanket - never buy secondhand blankets, as they may not be safe and you can’t be sure that they meet current safety requirements
Always read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions before use.
Examine your blanket regularly for signs of wear or damage.




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