Security Lighting

A selection of Security Lights to help make your Home or Business more Secure !!

A selection of Security Lights to help make your Home or Business more Secure !!



Security Lighting located in the most suitable locations is strongly recommended at all Homes and Business premises, these have the benefit of increasing your Security together with making the environment safer for you and your family during the dark winter nights.

It is personal choice on what type & strength of Light you use. Some customers will want them as bright as possible, others choosing low light.

  • Bright Lights will illuminate more of the immediate area up, but at the same time creating shadows which could potentially be used to hide in.
  • Low lighting will not give you the problems with shadows but you would probably require more lights to give you the coverage.

Most of the Lighting is mains powered with built in PIR's which automatically switches the lights on when movement is detected, although there are Solar Powered models available which are easier to install, but normally have a lower light level.

Lights can be purchased using the traditional halogen bulbs although the new breed of LED lights create better lighting, with far longer life. 

We also have Portable LED Torches that will illuminate in the event of a Power Cut, a very useful Back up Llighting system.

Showing 1 - 24 of 30 items